Coronavirus Changing my Perspective

Kuldeep Pal
4 min readFeb 20, 2022

“Khud ko bada banae main itne kyu ulaaj gae hum, ki, khudko marta dekh bhi kuch nhi kar paa rhe hai hum….”

Corona has brought with it a wave of negative things, but it also gave us some important life lessons.

Whatever it is, I think that there is something positive in every situation, even if it’s as detrimental as a world-wide virus outbreak.

  • Humanity

We have labeled ourselves the crown of creation.

In reality, we are nothing but a speck of dust in the whole endless universe. And if things go wrong, we can be wiped out quicker than you can spell COVID-19. It reminds us of who we are. It teaches us humility and that everything will come to an end. And by doing so, it teaches us to be grateful for all the moments we have and all the things we can enjoy. Enjoy the sunshine. Enjoy the fresh air after the reduction in pollution levels.

It could all be over tomorrow. Maybe?

Himalaya mountains can be seen from Jalandhar since pollution has reduced in Punjab.

  • Time to Slow Down

At first, I was angry about the Virus. Stupid virus, I thought. Ah, …again it will waste a lot of time. But then, I began to see the beauty of it.

Thanks to corona, you’ll have a lot of free time. Bars and nightclubs close down, offices, schools, colleges are closed and most of your appointments are likely to be canceled.

Have you wished for some time to breathe, slow down and recharge?

Well, here’s your chance. You can’t do anything about the shutdown, so you might as well take the opportunity. Sit down. Relax. Breathe. Give yourself some time to slow down and think.

I bet there are a million things you “always wanted to do.” Reading a book, learning new skills, Meditation, workouts, Calling some old friends, etc..etc..

Whatever it is for you, here’s your chance. Take it.

  • Sharing

In times like these, solidarity is more important than ever. We have a very caring and sharing community amongst us, and it’s incredible to see how in times like these people hold together.

We are social animals, and we shouldn’t forget that.

Sharing makes you happy and the person you share with the happier.

  • Care about where you live: This Planet

It’s a not-so-friendly reminder that we have been pushing on for too long without drawing severe enough consequences from the warning signs that have been given, such as climate change, melting icecaps and volcano eruptions with an increasing number of hurricanes and thunderstorms.

The earth will keep turning and life will pick up again.

The question is if, by then, we will have learned our lesson. Be nice to Mother Earth, and she will be kind to you.

  • Minimalism

Minimalism is all about living with less. Almost everyone owns/uses something they don’t really need. Many of us are at home, many of us are far from home. In a lockdown, we only use/buy those things that are necessary. There is always a difference between the want and need. Be clear.

Less is more.

  • Positivity

“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorns have roses.” — Alphonse Karr

You can always find a spark of light. Be at home, let the planet recover.

There is always a ray of hope. And remember -” Nothing lasts forever”. Not even Corona.

If we surpass this, it would be a new birth for our humanity and I believe that this new found insight would linger with us for a while.



Kuldeep Pal

Data Engineer | Software Engineer | Data Platform | Big Data | Machine learning |